S4 Ep 1. Derry Girls (Throwback Science)
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Season 4 is all about our LIVE shows. We've recorded our 2022 live podcasts as episodes, and we're starting this series with the incredible show Derry Girls. We were lucky enough to be invited by the Northern Ireland Science Festival to do this show none other than in Derry/ Londonderry itself in February (and we loved it)!
In this episode, we join the girls from Our Lady Immaculate as they turn their eyes on Father Peter to find out why we fancy hot priests. Plus, we use science to find out why we find Orla’s oddball character so funny, how hash scones would affect our bodies, and what happens when we watch high-octane thrillers in the cinema.
Oh and this funny noise we’re making? We’re English, it’s just the way we talk…
Listen to the podcast now on:

Episode References (if you fancy some extra reading)
Baranska, A., Shawket, A., Jouve, M., Baratin, M., Malosse, C., Voluzan, O., Vu Manh, T.P., Fiore, F., Bajénoff, M., Benaroch, P. and Dalod, M. (2018) Unveiling skin macrophage dynamics explains both tattoo persistence and strenuous removal. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 215(4), pp.1115-1133.
Elisabeth, K. (2019) ’Female heroes’: celebrity executives as postfeminist role models. British Journal of Management, 30 (4) . pp. 981-996
French, C. (2009) Scientists put psychic’s paranormal claims to the test. The Guardian. [12 May] Available from: Scientists put psychic's paranormal claims to the test | Chris French | The Guardian
Goldsmiths, University of London. Telephone Telepathy. Available from: Telephone Telepathy | Goldsmiths, University of London
Goldstein, R.E., Warren, P.B. and Ball, R.C. (2012) Shape of a ponytail and the statistical physics of hair fibre bundles. Physical review letters, 108(7), p.078101.
Hye-Knudsen, M. (2018) Painfully funny: Cringe comedy, benign masochism and not-so-benign violations. Interdisciplinary Journal in English 2. pp. 13-31
LeBlanc, T. (2020) Motivating Girls, Regardless of Life Circumstance, to Envision Possibilities Rather Than Limitations for Their Lives: Chelsea Clinton’s Answer—Persist! Am J Public Health. 110 (1) pp. 8–10
Levesque, R. (2017) Forbidden Fruit . Encyclopaedia of Adolescence [14 February] Available from: Forbidden Fruit | SpringerLink
Loveland, K.E., Smeesters, D. and Mandel, N. (2010) Still preoccupied with 1995: The need to belong and preference for nostalgic products. Journal of Consumer Research. 37(3). pp.393-408.
Pearce Stevens, A. (2017) Tattoos: The good, the bad and the bumpy. [11 May] Available from: Tattoos: The good, the bad and the bumpy | Science News Explores (snexplores.org)
Rapana, J. (2020) The ‘forbidden fruit effect’ explains why you fall for the ones you can’t have. Body + Soul. [11 February] Avaialbel from: The 'forbidden fruit effect' explains why you fall for the ones you can't have (bodyandsoul.com.au)
Stönner, C., Edtbauer, A., Derstroff, B., Bourtsoukidis, E., Klüpfel, T., Wicker, J. and Williams, J. (2018) Proof of concept study: Testing human volatile organic compounds as tools for age classification of films. PloS one, 13(10), p.e0203044.
Thomas, D. (2019) Tattoos at work: Are they still an issue? BBC [16 June] Available from: Tattoos at work: Are they still an issue? - BBC News
YouGov (2019) If you were famous and you met a fan who had a tattoo of your face… [5 Aug] Available from: Daily Question | 05/08/2019 | YouGov
WikiHow (2020) How to drink a flaming shot. [30 May] Available from: How to Drink a Flaming Shot: 9 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow
Williams, J., Stönner, C., Wicker, J., Krauter, N., Derstroff, B., Bourtsoukidis, E., Klüpfel, T. and Kramer, S. (2016) Cinema audiences reproducibly vary the chemical composition of air during films, by broadcasting scene specific emissions on breath. Scientific reports, 6(1), pp.1-10.