S2 Ep 4. Walter White Science: Breaking Bad
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This episode we spoke to the amazing Prof. Donna J Nelson, the science advisor for the award winning show Breaking Bad.
We might be a far cry from a home-made meth lab in a caravan in the desert, but we’re speaking to someone much closer to the Breaking Bad action in this episode - we’re joined by Donna Nelson, the scientific advisor to the show!
Have you ever wondered whether the meth labs created are accurate? Or if you could REALLY dissolve a body in a bath of acid? Well, then this is the episode for you!
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Meet our guest
Donna J. Nelson
Donna J Nelson, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Oklahoma, is an expert in organic chemistry. She is famed for her Nelson Diversity Surveys, which examine ethnic and gender diversity among science departments of research universities and is passionate about improving the image and presentation of science and scientists to the public. Professor Nelson was a scientific advisor to the television show Breaking Bad.
T: @drdjnelson
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Episode References (if you fancy some extra reading)
American Addiction Centres (2020) The effects of meth on your body. Available from: https://drugabuse.com/featured/the-effects-of-meth-on-your-body/
BBC (2013) How much of the science in Breaking Bad is real? Available from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-23710654
CDC (2018) Facts about Ricin. Available from: https://emergency.cdc.gov/agent/ricin/facts.asp
FRANK. Methamphetamine. Available from: https://www.talktofrank.com/drug/methamphetamine
Nelson, D. (2013) Making the science of TV meth crystal clear. In: Nelson, D., Grazier, K., Paglia, J. and Perkowitz, S. [editors] (2013) Hollywood chemistry: When science met entertainment. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society.
Pinkham, S. and Stone, K. (2015) A global review of the the harm reduction response to amphetamines: A 2015 update. Harm Reduction International. Available from: https://www.hri.global/files/2015/10/18/AmphetaminesReport_Oct2015_web.pdf
Smith, B. (2013) The chemistry behind breaking bad. Yale Scientific [online] Available from: https://www.yalescientific.org/2013/12/the-chemistry-behind-breaking-bad/
Trumbore, D. (2018) The science of Breaking Bad: Dangers of homebrewing, DIY batteries and the effects of ricin. Collider [Online]. Available from: https://collider.com/breaking-bad-science-explained/#hydrofluoric-acid
Trumbore, D. and Nelson, D. (2019) The science of Breaking Bad. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.