Why are Parkinsons' patients asked to tango? The link between dance and neurodegenerative diseases
You might be surprised to learn that the charity Parkinson’s UK recommend dance classes to anyone diagnosed with Parkinson’s’ - a neurodegenerative disease that causes sufferers to struggle with movement and worsening control of motor functions. Sufferers often develop tremors and shakes, and increasingly slowed movement and muscle stiffness as the condition progresses.
It might not sound like a natural stepping stone for signing up to dance classes, but exercise has been shown to help slow the progression of the condition’s symptoms. So, whether individuals have just received a diagnosis or are experiencing the condition at a later stage, regular dance classes are being employed to improve balance, gait, strength and coordination. Katie Goates from the charity joins us to chat about this in our Strictly Come Dancing episode.
Image: Parkinsons’ UK Dance Class
There have been lots of studies looking at the connection between dance and exercise and the functional mobility of people with Parkinson’s, but it’s not just about physical wellbeing: exercise and dance classes also have huge benefits for mental wellbeing. Another common symptom of Parkinsons’ is depression and anxiety, as the diagnosis can make sufferers often feel isolated and anxious about their physical abilities. the mood-boosting effects of exercise in all its forms have long been observed, so the charity saw that their dance classes could also create an opportunity to create communities and connections.
After surveying participants in a Dance for Parkinson’s Disease dance class group in Brooklyn, New York, McRae et al. (2017) found that dancers who regularly took part in classes not only noticed improvements in their physical abilities outside of the studio, but their self-belief in managing tasks increased. And as self-belief rose, so too did their view of their Quality of Life.
Image: Parkinsons’ UK Dance Class
For more dance science have a listen to our episode on the science behind Strictly Come Dancing.
MaCrae, R. Leventhal, D. Westheimer, O. Mastin, T. Utley, J. and Russell, D. (2017) Long-term effects of Dance for PD® on self-efficacy among persons with Parkinson’s disease. Arts & Health. https://doi.org/10.1080/17533015.2017.1326390